Hey, quick update.
So I've registered a twitch account here: http://www.twitch.tv/stickfiguremasterdx
I might stream with a couple of my friends that you may know, Utubedude8245 included.
Probably playing games, because...you know, that's what its for. I'll link it on here, twitter, and facebook if I am.
And secondly, I recorded a session of Saints row: The third and turned it into a funny montage (With the occasional slo-mo effect and whatnot) with me and my friend Swish.
It can be found on me and Chris's gaming channel here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwnOAtAL4qA&featu re=youtu.be
[and yes I'm working on animation things shut up]
Also, Social Networks or some crap:
StickFigureMasterDX's Facebook Page
StickFigureMasterDX's Twitter
Utubedude8245's Facebook
Utubedude8245's Deviantart